Create Closure For All Your Training Sessions
📌 Tip:
Create closure for all your training sessions
🧠 Why?
It is an essential practice to end every training session by bringing things neatly together for your audience.
Include the following:
A Summary of what was covered:
This will ensure that the audience is reminded of what the key points are, and in case they missed it - it will catch them up. A pro tip is to tie it back to your learning objectives.
Audience Takeaways:
Ask the audience what they learned during the session. As the audience shares these out loud, you will benefit by learning what resonated, and the audience members will also benefit as they hear what others took away.
Action Items:
This is your follow-through step. This gives the audience clear next steps as to what to do next.
🛠️ How I do it:
This is one of my favorite parts of training sessions as it shines a light on what material resonated with the audience.
In addition - as oftentimes quieter members of the audience don't speak up during the session - this allows them to express their thoughts.
On occasion, when time permits, I make it a practice to ask the quieter members to expand on their takeaways as they can bring to light interesting perspectives that may not have come up during the session. Good-luck!